
The Journal of Sharia Fundamentals for Specialized Researches

About the Journal :

The Journal of Sharia Fundamentals for Specialized Researches (JSFSR), a peer-reviewed scientific journal indexed by the International Standard Serial Number for Academic Scientific Journals (e-ISSN: 2289-9073), issued every three months.
The journal specializes in research, articles, and scientific papers of originality and innovation Committed to the scientific methodology, and the ethics of scientific research.
It aims to be a platform for researchers and a meeting point for researchers to present the different values and topics of legal sciences and systematic studies, and link them to the principles of Sharia, and to update, enhance and support the scientific development of contemporary systematic topics related to the principles of Sharia that serve society and ensure the strength and respect of Islamic identity in various scientific fields. Socio-economic


The extrapolation of the evolution of jurisprudence from the time of Prophecy to nowadays is the most honest witness to the consistency between the eternal texts and jursprudence  efforts  on the one hand, and the consistency between the jurisprudence of applicants and the jurisprudence of the late on the other hand, and this indicates that everyone intended  the same objective , that of the worship of God, and therefore their jurisprudence originates  from the same source.

 Since the Sharia is permanent and eternal, it necessitated that it be based on rules that are capable of dealing with different places and times. When it was first revealed,it  has been exhausted and its texts have been limited and the facts are renewed and are similar to each other. However, there is a small difference. The calamities have enormously increareased in number and  because of the scientific development and the breadth of the area in which Muslims live and their mixing with others. This requires not stopping when the legal rulings that the applicants and the late are classified, but the knowledge of what happens  worldwide   must be maintained  in the political realm  and inventions in the scientific field and then analyzed in accordance with the Sharia.

 In view of what scholars present of opinions and guidance legitimacy and enlightenment of public opinion on many issues that may affect the security of the Muslim community, stability and installation of society, especially in the light of the developments in the Islamic and international communities and the emergence of many interpretations  that have  affected  the entity of the Muslim community and strike at the heart of the nation, I have tried to participate with a presentation in the Department of the Fundamentals of Jurisprudence about the role of jurisprudents in  dealing with   calamities and the establishment of Muslim societies by presenting applied models dealing with by the Islamic jurisprudence  in the following matters:

The first issue :Insinuation of false unchastity.

 The second issue: The one who saw with his wife a man and killed him

 The third issue: Killing the group with one.

 The fourth issue: Crime in traffic accidents.

 The fifth issue: Cultivation of a member that has been amputated in punishment or  equity 

 The conclusion.