The doctrine of balanced da’wa has a great status in the field of da’wa. It must exist in the preaching and in the approach of the preachers by choosing the appropriate topics; ranking the topics based on the criteria of shariah – which guided by divine rule – and human’s judgment. Islamic jurisprudence combines the spiritual, physical and financial aspects of worships in order to build a balanced society in terms of the faith, thought, behaviour and ethics. The study aims to show the balanced da’wa and how it contributes to the success of preaches, and the aspects that should be taken into consideration in order to achieve balanced preaching.
The study employed the inductive approach for the meanings of balanced da’wa and for the description of the most important aspects in which the balanced da’wa realized through them. As well as utilized the analytical approach to show how and where to employ the balanced Islamic preaching. The study recommends the most important approaches which can help the preacher to maintain the balance by combining the science of shariah and faith education, and practicing the principles of faith without neglecting – by the justification of contemporary era – the issues of worship and mu’amalat. As well as it recommends translating the Islamic teachings, knowledge and the prevailing consensus among Muslims into the practical behaviour in accordance with authenticated Islamic teachings far from emotional feeling in a way that Allah loves and serves the interest of umma (nation).
Keywords: balance, da’wa (preaching), doctrine, success, speech.