
The Journal of Sharia Fundamentals for Specialized Researches

About the Journal :

The Journal of Sharia Fundamentals for Specialized Researches (JSFSR), a peer-reviewed scientific journal indexed by the International Standard Serial Number for Academic Scientific Journals (e-ISSN: 2289-9073), issued every three months.
The journal specializes in research, articles, and scientific papers of originality and innovation Committed to the scientific methodology, and the ethics of scientific research.
It aims to be a platform for researchers and a meeting point for researchers to present the different values and topics of legal sciences and systematic studies, and link them to the principles of Sharia, and to update, enhance and support the scientific development of contemporary systematic topics related to the principles of Sharia that serve society and ensure the strength and respect of Islamic identity in various scientific fields. Socio-economic



The Leader, Prophet Muhammad, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, applied different strategies, set multiple military plans, and dealt with in strict political methods to maintain security and peace among people to convey the call of Islam, which is the real factor in consolidating stability in this land. These plans and strategies were appropriate for each stage of the da'wah, so Muslims achieved success, and Islam spread across the earth. The Holy Qur’an and the Sunnah of the Prophet have recorded many examples of these plans and strategies that was distinguished by its ease of implementation in reality, and its superiority over other human plans in the military and political field. This research aims to revive these instructions, spread them among people, and apply them. It also aims to analyze the causes and explain the course of events according to the military laws and contemporary political plans, clarify the advantages that Islam enjoys, spread the culture of coexistence among people, achieve justice between all sects, and secure societies from turmoil and wars. The importance of the research lies in the importance of the teachings of the Noble Qur’an, and through the axes it deals with, and the plans that it drew to achieve peace and spread security and safety on the earth. The researcher expects to reach important results regarding the strategy adopted by the Noble Qur’an to establish peace between the various sects, most notably, fulfillment of covenants, tolerance between different sects, spreading knowledge and awareness among people, and warning against infiltrators among Muslims.

Key words: strategy, political and military, Islamic legislation, the Qur’an and Sunnah.