
The Journal of Sharia Fundamentals for Specialized Researches

About the Journal :

The Journal of Sharia Fundamentals for Specialized Researches (JSFSR), a peer-reviewed scientific journal indexed by the International Standard Serial Number for Academic Scientific Journals (e-ISSN: 2289-9073), issued every three months.
The journal specializes in research, articles, and scientific papers of originality and innovation Committed to the scientific methodology, and the ethics of scientific research.
It aims to be a platform for researchers and a meeting point for researchers to present the different values and topics of legal sciences and systematic studies, and link them to the principles of Sharia, and to update, enhance and support the scientific development of contemporary systematic topics related to the principles of Sharia that serve society and ensure the strength and respect of Islamic identity in various scientific fields. Socio-economic


dr.Abderrahman Youssouf

This research is about the most prominent theories of opponents of Islamic fiqh,the non-madhhabis (unaffiliated or non-denominational Muslim)from the Book of the Attitude of the Mind and Science from the Cherisher and Sustainer of the worlds and His servants-messengers. This Book authored by the last Islamic Sheikhs in the Ottoman State, Sabry Afandy. In his discussion withtheNon-madhhabis, the author discussed to major points. The first of them is sticking to madhhab and the second one whether Fiqh from the Shariah or not. The author then decided that sticking to Madhhabis the correct method that was followed by the salaf(predecessors) until the time of Ibn Taymiyyah who did not follow this method. He also discussed the issue of whetherfiqh from Shariah and confirmed that it (fiqh) is from it(Shariah). In the discussion of these issues, the author employed descriptive and comparative methods. He compared these opinions after discussing them with opinions of distinguished ulama (scholars) and found that it isnecessarytoaffiliate with Madhhab, as it is the work of the first salaf until the time of appearing Zahiri’yah (externalism). The researcher also found that fiqh is from Shariah; because it is either stipulated or deduced, and the deduced [ruling] is built on Shariah, and whatever is built on Shariah is from it.
Keywords: Position of reason and science, Mustafa Sabry, non-madhabism, jurisprudence