
The Journal of Sharia Fundamentals for Specialized Researches

About the Journal :

The Journal of Sharia Fundamentals for Specialized Researches (JSFSR), a peer-reviewed scientific journal indexed by the International Standard Serial Number for Academic Scientific Journals (e-ISSN: 2289-9073), issued every three months.
The journal specializes in research, articles, and scientific papers of originality and innovation Committed to the scientific methodology, and the ethics of scientific research.
It aims to be a platform for researchers and a meeting point for researchers to present the different values and topics of legal sciences and systematic studies, and link them to the principles of Sharia, and to update, enhance and support the scientific development of contemporary systematic topics related to the principles of Sharia that serve society and ensure the strength and respect of Islamic identity in various scientific fields. Socio-economic


Sayed Aqa Sayes
Abdul Khaleq Mesbah
Ahmad Khalid Aziz.

This research is about the most important characteristics of the Khawarej in Islamic sharia and their hazards to Islam and Muslims. The Khawarej apparently is an Islamic sect that appeared during the time of the Calipha Ali bin Abi Talib as a result of the political differences that began during that time. Although they were present during the time of the prophet (صلی الله علیه و سلم), they did not appear at his, as they appeared during the period of the Calipha Ali bin Abi Taleb. This section is characterized their strong defense of their doctrine and intolerance. They are criticized by their wrong understanding from Quran and Sunnah and they exit from caliph's Abi Talib, and the rulers of the Umayyads. Many of the imams of Ahl al-Sunnah wal-Jama’a dispraise the Khawarej but some of them rejected this opinion. There are different opinions about the takfir of the Khawarej, some of them said that they are infidels like apostates, and others said that it is permissible to kill them and kill their captives, and they should be asked to repent, if they do not, they should be killed, but others believe that since they have given testimonies that there is no god but Allah and Muhammad is his prophet, hence they entered into Islam, and this prevents declaring their takfir. The aim of this research is to reveal the characteristics of the first Khawarej along with the characteristics of the contemporary Khawarej that misuse Islam, as a means to implement their goals and aspirations, and to show their dangers that led to killing the Muslims and leaving the people of idols. What prompted me to do this research is the emergence of this sect in our new era, their dangers to Islam and Muslims, and the denial of this label (khawarej) by some of them. Among the most prominent of their characteristics are: being young, unwise, doing a lot of worship, deep discussions in religion without knowledge, and other characteristics that are detailed in this article
Keywords: Khawarej, characteristics, hazards, Islamic law.