
The Journal of Sharia Fundamentals for Specialized Researches

About the Journal :

The Journal of Sharia Fundamentals for Specialized Researches (JSFSR), a peer-reviewed scientific journal indexed by the International Standard Serial Number for Academic Scientific Journals (e-ISSN: 2289-9073), issued every three months.
The journal specializes in research, articles, and scientific papers of originality and innovation Committed to the scientific methodology, and the ethics of scientific research.
It aims to be a platform for researchers and a meeting point for researchers to present the different values and topics of legal sciences and systematic studies, and link them to the principles of Sharia, and to update, enhance and support the scientific development of contemporary systematic topics related to the principles of Sharia that serve society and ensure the strength and respect of Islamic identity in various scientific fields. Socio-economic


Dr. Sultan Ali Saleh Al-Faqih

Abstract: This research aims to explain three main axes: the first axis: the concept of abrogation linguistically and terminologically, and the differences of scholars regarding the permissibility of abrogating the recitation, and the second axis: the researcher clarifies the places in which the abrogated verses were mentioned in the two Sahihs (Bukhari and Muslim), and that they are established and used to be recited. It was done in the time of the Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him, and it does not matter whoever stabs it! For the validity of its chains of narration; But they were abrogated, and the third axis: the abrogated verses were transferred for citation, not reading, as the nation agreed to leave them for the sake of interest. As for the plan, it required it to be based on two sections. In the first, I studied: the concept of abrogation linguistically and terminologically, and the differences of scholars regarding the permissibility of abrogating recitation. In the second section, I studied: the places in which the abrogated verses appeared in the Two Sahihs. This is preceded by an introduction and a preface, and followed by: a conclusion in which I mentioned the results and scientific facts I reached.